GSA Meeting

The annual Geological Society of America national conference was very successful! Below are some highlights:

  1. Presenting research

Getting to show what Dr. Tyler and I have been working so hard on to fellow scientists was a great opportunity. We had a tremendous amount of positive feedback, and suggestions for expanding our project in the future.

img_10022. Seeing others present research and give lectures

GSA was a great place to learn about what’s “hot” in the geosciences. I attended lectures given by a variety of people, from seismologists to invertebrate paleontologists.

3. Exploring Denver

Denver is a great town– beautiful architecture, pleasant climate, and most importantly, great food.

4. Paleontological Society Student Ambassador Program

I had so much fun participating in the PS-SAP program. I got to work at the Paleo Society booth, network with professional paleontologists, talk to museum curators, post on social media about the conference, and attend informational meetings for student members. The Paleontological Society is a great organization for those interested in the field- check it out!



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